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 Lettera da una certa Anne Martin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Silvano Del Rio Posted - 30 August 2017 : 18:42:06
Ho appena ricevuto questa lettera che nomina questo sito, Marklinfan Club Italia, come mittente per una certa Anne2342.

Questa signora mi offre il 20% di 28 milioni di dollari americani.

Che ne dite voi?

Ecco il testo integrale in inglese della lettera:

Sent From Märklinfan Club Italia by anne2342

Hello Silvano Del Rio

You received the following message from: anne2342 (annemartin1111@yandex.com)

At: http://www.marklinfan.com/f/

From Miss Anne Martin
Cotonou Benin Republic.
West Africa.
Avenue 12 Rue Reine Abla Poku,
12 Bp 7854 Cot 12, Benin Republic

Dearest One,

I Am Miss Anne Martin . the only Daughter of Late Mr & Mrs Robert Martin, from Benin Republic in West Africa. I want to use this media to ask for your help in transferring my inheritance fund into your country. I will be so glad if you can allow and lead me to the right channel towards your assistance to my present situation now. I'm aware that this might sound strange to you but please, I beg you to handle this matter with the most urgency.

It is my desire to contact you based on honesty and sincerity to assist me in transferring of $20,800,000. ( Twenty Million Eight hundred thousand United States dollars) which I inherited from my late father Mr Robert martin who was a Gold merchant business Man based in Accra and Abidjan, Now i want to investment and base in your country for my future living. My late father died in Abidjan General Hospital. MAY HIS SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE, He was poisoned by his business partner during one of their trip to a destination they do supplied goods to.

Before his death at the General hospital,he told me about the fund which he deposited in one of the bank here in my country, he inform me that i should stand as next of kin when ever i find him no more.

I found out more about this after the burial of my father,his lawyer confronted the family with some document. My Uncles took away everything leaving me with nothing.The whole problem started when they found out that they can not have an access to the money at the bank and that I Anne have refused to sign any paper so that they can gain access to the money.

As I am writing you now, I am far away from home in fear of my Uncles who are threatening my life.Though, I have discussed with the bank Director and they have accepted to transfer the money to my choice oversea partner but the sincerely want to hear from my oversea partner before they can effect the transfer.

I am motivated in contacting you and hope to gradually build trust, relationship and confidence in you as I get to know you better.

I am willing to offer you 20% of the total money for your effort input after the successful transfer of this money and investment. Indicate your interest towards assisting me, by sending your phone number, fax number, home and office address to me so that I can communicate with you at any time. I will also appreciate if you can send across your photo for a better reorganization. I will also send across my photo and phone number as soon as you reply this email. I will be waiting to hear from you soon.

Miss Anne Martin.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Riccardo Bastianelli Posted - 30 August 2017 : 21:50:14
Paradossalmente l'indirizzo a questi simpaticoni ... lo hai fornito tu.
Il loro software vede tra i tuoi indirizzi, ne sceglie uno a caso e ti invia una mail presa da uno di questi per farti credere che sia un amico o comunque un socio. È un modo per abbassare le tue difese

Silvano Del Rio Posted - 30 August 2017 : 21:09:45
Quello che mi da da pensare e' che il forum e' stato coinvolto.
Riccardo Bastianelli Posted - 30 August 2017 : 19:17:15
È chiaramente una bufala. Ne girano simili su Internet da anni. Cestinare subito.

Silvano Del Rio Posted - 30 August 2017 : 18:48:30
Scusate - so che la discussione e'stata messa su un tema sbagliato, ma non savevo dove metterla.

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